One hour Acupuncture treatments are $115.00 initial appointment, $90.00 returing appointments.
One hour Massage and Acupuncure is $125.00 initial, and $105.00 returning.
90 Minute Massage and Acupuncture Treatments are $170.00 initial appointment, and $155.00 returning.
Acupuncture is based on Chinese Medicine philosophy that energy and blood circulation are influenced by placing the needle in particular areas, or points. Acupressure Massage is a massage technique, that I combine with Shiatsu Massage technique, to gently, or sometimes vigorously, move the circulation to relax and heal your body. This type of massage is usually done wearing light clothing, but does not have to be.
In my practice, when b=necessary, I use Electro Stimulation Acupuncture. Cupping is used, a technique using suction cups to stimulate circulation, as is gua sha, a skin scraping technique, also to move circulation. Councelling on diet, using the Chinese Medicine approach to health, is also practiced. This would include Hot and Cold , Yin and Yang theories. These are all included in my treatments at no extra cost.
I train my clients out of the gym called The Base, 116 Anacapa St, in Santa Barbara. Hourly rate is $110.00 per hour, $60.00 per half hour. A gym memership is also necessary to use the The Base.I have been training indiviuals and groups since 1994. I bring over 30 years of experience in natural bodybuilding, diet and nutritional advice, and sports conditioning. in my training with clients, I use free weights, some cable weights, kettle bells, bands, and cardio equipment.
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